
Qurbaan Hua 24 February 2021 Spoiler Chahat learns the truth



Qurbaan Hua 25 February 2021 Spoiler Chahat learns the truth : In the tonight episode Chahat sees the wrapper of the doll and upon realizing the name is shocked to see that Saraswathi has sent the gift to them.Some time earlier Chahat is praying mentioning how Saraswathi is the only person who can still mend the relation of Vyas je and Neel and if he wishes then her marriage with Vyas je would be accepted.

Naveli is worryingly looking at Neel praying that he should play the recording as then he would be able to know the truth about Baleq, Neel just then stops as Kripa starts crying and so he mentions how she pissed on him, AlakhNanda comes and starts laughing seeing how he is her favourite and that it is also said, then he asks her to give Kripa as she would change the diaper and then asks Neel to leave, Naveli wonders how close Neel was to know the truth of Baleq but because of kripa and AlakhNanda it was not able to happen.

Chahat is praying when she sees Neel so threaten saying how she would not talk to him if he misbehaved with Vyas je because he is their elder, then Neel mentions how she should also see what kind of behaviour Vyas je has because at first himself gave her the position of Saraswathi and after realizing her truth he doesnot even want to look at her, Chahat pleads with Neel to consider a hypothetical situation where Bophandar would have met him as a girl and when he came to that he is actually a boy then would have been angered, she tries to explain the feelings of Vyas je however Neel blaming how her examples have started to become even more worrying leaves.

In the morning Neel asks Chahat to hand him the soap as it is finished however he is also not able to find the mug when he asks her to come inside and help him in a shower and when she is about ot leave, he forces her to help him but when she denies he threatens to fight with Vyas je if she doesnot help him, she is therefore forced to and in the meanwhile they also start a fight when Neel asks if she would also take a bath with him, Bophandar then comes and is shocked to see him taking a both in the open when Chahat comes outside asking if she should prepare tea for him, Bopho asks why is Neel showering in the open, Neel asks if he has performed the task which he gave to him, Bopho says how he has printed a lot of posters, then Neel explains how he would come after changing his clothes when Chahat asks Bopho the reason Neel is doing this to hurt Vyas je as he would not like the posters, Vyas je calls out asking who is the one behind it.

Bopho and Chahat both run outside to find Vyas je looking at the poster of Chahat, Neel coming from his house exclaims how he should be happy as Chahat has saved more then fifty lives in the recent natural calamity and this is the only way in which thy would be able to make the people realize how their marriage is not the reason for what is happening. He hinting to Vyas je exclaims how those who pretend to worry for the religion would not understand this, Chahat tries to stop him however he doesnot listen then Vyas je asks if Neel thinks that he would change his perception for Chahat after seeing the poster, Vyas je walking to it tears off the entire poster and throws it out of his house however Neel is not worried then mentions how it is alright so asks Bopho to fix even a larger poster out of the house and also bring the remaining poster which they would have to distribute in the village.

Chahat coming to Vyas je pleads how he should not be worried as Neel might have said it at which Vyas je exclaims how he doesnot have to learn how to talk with Neel from her.Chahat sees the Pandit coming so thinks of how she would be able to convince the Pandit if she is able to talk with him however they do not even see her and leave, Chahat looking from the window sees the Pandit talking with someone so wonders who would be the next Mant from their house, she is shocked to see that it is Baleq so thinks that if he became the Mant then would ruin everything as he would never work for the benefit of the people.

Chahat is standing in the front of the house, she prays to Saraswathi to help her as only she might be able to help her, then a strong wind comes and the doll drops in front of her, she realizes how it is the talking doll so she is about to press the button when Godambari taking it from her hand throws it in the box of the donation, Chahat asks if there is something important to which Jamuna says how they are doing what they can to help those affected by the calamity.

Naveli is dressing her hair when Baleq comes and he hugs her, she asks him if he is not mistaken because he was running after AlakhNanda, Baleq mentions how she should not worry as their problems would be solved once he throws AlakhNanda out of the village after which they would finally be able to get married and would be the most powerful couple in the village, Naveli realizes how this is what she wanted and why did he record the truth about Vyas je in the doll.

Chahat sees the gift in the dustbin so taking it is shocked to see that it came from Saraswathi, she wonders how it could have come when she has died a long time ago, she asks AlakhNanda what was inside the parcel when Alakh mentions how it was the talking doll, Chahat realizes how the doll which Godamabri gave in charity actually came in the parcel, she plans to do whatever she can to find the doll.

In the next episode, Chahat fails to stop the car which had the doll sent by Saraswati in it. However, she vows to get the doll at any cost as Kripa deserves to know the last message her mother left for her.

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