
Kundali Bhagya 17 March 2021 Written Update Kareena accuses Prithvi


Kundali Bhagya 17 March 2021 Written Update Kareena accuses Prithvi : Now in the upcoing drama of kundali bhagya Srishti enters the kitchen and tells Sarla and Janki to come to the living room urgently. She tells them that they planned to expose Prithvi before everyone. Preeta asks Sameer to turn on the projector and show Prithvi’s picture to everyone. Prithvi and Sherlyn get shocked to see the picture of their marriage. 

Kareena tells everyone that Prithvi is the groom in the picture because he is already married. Preeta questions him about the bride as the picture is partially burned and her face is not visible. While Prithvi remains speechless, Rakhi and Dadi begin to question him. A furious Rishabh sternly asks him to answer everyone’s questions. Kareena gets mad at him and keeps asking him to answer the questions. 

Rakhi says that Prithvi is an unworthy man and they cannot marry Kritika to him. Rishabh gets upset with him for cheating on Kritika and trying to fool the Luthras. Sameer decides to call the police and Rishabh agrees to it. Srishti warns Prithvi that he will soon be booked for cheating everyone and pressurises him to answer the questions. Prithvi pretends to feel bad about being maligned and asks Kritika if she trusts him. She tells Kritika that he will answer her, if she has any doubts. 

Kritika, with teary eyes, tries hard to have faith in him. Prithvi immediately says that he will answer anybody because they have hurt him. Preeta claims him to be married and he shouts aloud that he is married. This infuriates Karan and pounces at him, while Sameer holds Prithvi from behind.

Sherlyn loses her calm and rushes to save Prithvi. Suresh tries to stop Karan and Rishabh moves ahead to beat Prithvi. Sherlyn barges in, pushes everyone and screams at everyone. Everyone is more than shocked to hear her say that nobody can beat Prithvi. In a jiffy, she gains control over herself and tells Rishabh that she doesn’t a disgusting man like Prithvi to be hit by them. 

Rishabh finds it hard to believe and she walks up to him. She reminds Kritika and Rishabh that she never wanted Kritika to marry Prithvi. She tells Rishabh that she doesn’t want Rishabh to get jailed for beating Prithvi as she wants him to be there for her child. She pretends to pounce at Prithvi and falls in his arms. She tells him to quickly come up with some excuse. Prithvi looks at his mother and begins to use her as a cover. He tries to make everyone emotional and his mother worries for him. 

Prithvi comes ahead and keeps asking Kritika if she wants to know the truth. He keeps trying to buy time to come up with some excuse. Sarla stops him and asks about the identity of the bride in the picture. Suresh gets annoyed with Prithvi’s elongating conversation and tells him to cut it short. Everyone’s questions make Kritika ask him to reveal the truth. 

Kareena accuses Prithvi of trying to turn the members of the Luthra family against each other and falsely blaming it on Preeta. Prithvi tells Srishti to let him complete. He says that he is dressed like a groom in the 7-year-old picture to help his friend Shubham get married.What will happen next?

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