
Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 17 November 2020 Spoiler Agastya finds Choti Guddan in an unconscious



Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 17 November 2020 Spoiler Agastya finds Choti Guddan in an unconscious : Guddan says I am ready to keep this marriage. But I have a condition. Now, these compromised relationships can’t work. You will have to make me your wife legally. Pushpa says I don’t accept it. Agastya says but I do. He says I will give my life but won’t betray you. You did everything as a wife. 

I will be a husband and a father now. Your heart will never break again. He holds her hand. Agastya says Guddan’s husband is with her. Anything on her would pass through me first. We will start this relationship on this Diwali

Guddan and Agastya do the pooja together. Pushpa comes and puts candle on her hand. The next day, Agastya makes butter for Guddan. She makes her eat. Guddan says I don’t like butter. He says but it’s good for health. The baby likes it for sure. He makes her eat. Pushpa comes in. Pushpa says Guddan I got you this black thread, you can wear it if you like. Agastya says we won’t like if you stay in guilt. Guddan says let’s start afresh. 

I know dadi’s prayer will protect me and the baby always. Pushpa ties it on her hand. Pushpa says I have invited my friends. They will really like it. Guddan says I don’t have gifts for anyone. Agastya says I will bring the gifts. Agastya says take care of my wife maa. Pushpa says you rest. He leaves. Guddan says I will take care of my baby like my parents did. I just fear it sometimes.. Pushpa says nothing will go wrong now. Pushpa says just rest now. Guddan says in heart I hope everything remains good. I hope the divorce of Niya and Agastya is finalized as well.

Shona says how did jiji change so fast? Is this your plan? Saru says I am also confused. Shona says why is jiji going all melting over Guddan now? She does everything for benefit. Pushpa comes there. Pushpa says carry on. Shona says I wasn’t speaking against you. Pushpa says yes whatever I do has my benefit and what I am doing now will have most benefit to me. Tonight Guddan and her baby’s life will change forever. Saru says it will be a dark night for Guddan.

Guddan comes downstairs. No one is there. It’s all dak. Guddan says no guests are here. Guddan says let me see.. Shona says all preps are done. Guddan says where are the guests? Pushpa comes. Guddan says where are your friends? Pushpa says they are with me. Saru comes and says how are you Choti? 

Niya comes there as well. They surround Guddan. Guddan is scared. Guddan says what is Niya doing here? Ask her to leave. Pushpa says you will know what is happening and why? I wanted to thank you for being pregnant. And for being so dumb that you gave me a second chance. Guddan is shocked.

In the next episode, Agastya finds Choti Guddan in an unconscious and injured state and rushes her to a hospital. Meanwhile, late in the night, Niya gets shocked by someone’s presence in her room, while the mysterious footprints shock Pushpa. Watch Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega

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