
Zee TV’s Tujhse Hai Raabta to end on 30 November



Zee TV’s Tujhse Hai Raabta to end on 30 November :Speculation is not journalism.. Its rumor mongering.. And rumors are not the truth unless they are verified by people who they are about. I would not have had a problem if you would have included our quote in the story too. Show dates for launches and going off – air are not planned two and a half months in advance, unless they are for limited series. If our show was going off air we would be the first to know. 

And why would anyone remove a successfully running show? This is the second time you guys have done this. Last time u did a similar story on my other show shutting down and that show ran on for 9 more months.. Its your own credibility thats at stake by publishing unverified news.” (sic)

This is the quote of renowned producer Amir Jaffar from Full House Media after we published a speculative piece of information about their popular show Tujhse Hai Raabta apparently going off-air.Yesterday, News says that Tujhse Hai Raabta, which stars Reem Shaikh and Sehban Azim in the lead roles might come to an end. Since we heard this information, staying true to our profession, we decided to comfirm the speculation and reached out to the producer of the show, Sonali Jaffer but she wasn’t available for a comment. 

Being in the business of developing timely information to our readers and understanding the urgency of the information we got our hands on, we went ahead and published the article. However, it looks like this didn’t go well with the producer, Mr. Jaffar and they chose to react to the story by sharing a post on his social media profile. He shared a screenshot of our story and gave the tag of crappy journalism for carrying unverified news.

In most probabilty, the show will air it’s last on 30 November. Also, Tujhse Hai Raabta will be replaced by a new show and as has always strived to deliver first hand information to its readers, we will share the information on the same soon.

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