
Kundali Bhagya 18th May 2021 Written Episode Update


Kundali Bhagya 18th May 2021 Written Episode Update : Now in the upcoming dram of kundali bhagya Prithvi is in the room, Kritika enters clarifying she has a solicitation and that she needs him to accompany her to the police headquarters as she planned to meet Karan, Prithvi addresses for what reason is she looking for authorization as she needs to arrange him, Kritika inquires as to whether they can leave right now which surprises Prithvi who reluctantly concurs saying that he simply needs to take his wallet and keys, there is a steady approach his versatile.

Kritika demands him to answer it since it very well may be something significant anyway he won’t acknowledge there is anything significant, Kritika is truly stressed however he obstructs the contact clarifying that the lone thing significant is that he goes to meet Karan with her.

Megha is undermining the individual on the portable saying that assuming she doesnot get the cash, would uncover reality that he was likewise associated with the homicide of Akshay after which he would be secured in the prison rather than Karan, the specialist calls her from behind clarifying she left her medications in her office, Megha shouts the specialist is truly helping her however she is a single parent and now would get the best at her own period of scarcity, the specialist consents to drop her at the house, Preeta coming out from the concealing thinks about what sort of a game Megha is playing since she is living in split character in light of the fact that on one hand she was undermining the individual while being pleasant to the specialist.

Preeta gets a call from Shristhi who clarifies that they have moved to their neighbor’s home as their own home was being whitewashed, she uncovers Sameer clarified that the lunch would be set up at their home, so she has arranged the food, Shristhi consents to meet Preeta at the police headquarters.

Karan is in the prison when Prithvi sees him so comes to him asking how he is on the grounds that it is truly hot as he isn’t utilized to such climate, Prithvi inquires as to whether he ought to bring the bat and ball for him which he might want to play as it is large enough, Karan begins snickering saying that he would not be in the phone for much long as he is honest, subsequent to coming out he would make Prithvi pay for all that he has done, Sarla and Kritika race to karan, Sarla uncovers that she wanted to meet him so went to the police headquarters where she additionally discovered Kritika.

Karan reacts how it feels pleasant to at last meet some decent individuals, Sarla shouts he has done a ton for Preeta, karan answers he has not done anything as of not long ago Preeta was ensuring Kritika however he just satisfied the guarantee that Kritika would return with them, Sarla is unsettled that karan needed to offer him to the police, she shouts how she is happy to have a child in law like him, Prithvi gets frantic reasoning she was going to be his relative can in any case be nevertheless she just appears to adore Karan.

Karan asks Kritika for what reason is she grinning, Prithvi shouts he is likewise grinning alongside Kritika and they are largely truly cheerful he is in the cell, Kritika addresses for what reason is he talking like this, Prithvi answers that Karan has said it himself that he loves remaining in the cell, Sarla inquires as to whether he can’t utter a word decent so should not have come to meet Karan, Prithvi attempts to account for himself however Sarla blows up and turns towards him, he is sorry saying that he would leave on the off chance that they don’t need him, he requests that Kritika come out as he is hanging tight for them, Karan gets some information about Prithvi in light of the fact that he is an evil individual, Sarla requests that Karan not be stressed on the grounds that they would ensure he is liberated from the prison. Karan requests that she not concern, he even requests that Kritika be glad, the two of them leave Karan.

Shristhi and Sameer are both stunned to hear the news that Megha is pregnant with Akshay’s kid, they all attempt to consider what the story may be, Shristhi says this is the thing that she was attempting to disclose to Sameer that there is something different going on yet he didn’t trust her, Shristhi uncovers that she is smart and can fathom the things however he didn’t trust her, Preeta addresses what did she think, Shristhi uncovers an individual can just murder due to two things, either fury or information, she feels that there may be an association among them, Preeta clarifies she in the wake of hearing Megha talking didn’t imagine that she can slaughter anybody, Preeta exhorts them they should initially go to meet Karan at that point go directly to Megha’s home.

Sarla is remaining behind them, she comes to Preeta saying that she subsequent to hearing her recollected Pragya in light of the fact that she was additionally something similar and did what she once considered doing, Preeta clarifies she can’t be on par with Pragya yet assuming Sarla thinks she resembles her, it involves favoring, Sarla uncovers she is great, which is the reason she really focuses on everybody, Sarla discloses how Preeta went to the Luthra house as a specialist however got to know Karan, who might have believed that the Luthra family would be her parents in law, she realizes Karan abused her a ton, she presently feels that Karan is actually the one in particular who is appropriate for her, Preeta places Sarla’s hands on her at which she clarifies she generally has her endowments, Preeta picks the lunch prior to embracing Sarla, Shristhi indeed embraces Sarla shouting she feels truly ideal to have a mother like her, she kisses her and Sarla informs her to take care regarding Preeta.

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