Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani were shooting for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2: in Lucknow in March when the pandemic broke out in India. So due to the lockdown, the actors had to shut shop and return to Mumbai. Now the unlockdown phase is on and the makers of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 are planning to resume the shoot.
While the director Anees Bazmee and the actors are all ready to begin, the set in lucknow is proving to be a problem. According to reports in a leading daily, a haveli was built in Lucknow for this horror-comedy. The haveli plays an important role in the film. Now with the set being unused for six months and with the rains pouring down, it isn’t in a proper condition to shoot. Speaking about his woes Anees Bazmee says, “We had created a haveli in Lucknow. Now that the monsoon is over, we will have to restructure the set and polish it before we start shooting. It needs a little bit of work. I will initiate talks with my art directors on the way forward.”